Could you help. What is your kink? Besides, no woman, has ever looked as some guys dick and said, "I just got wet, I have
to fuck him..." I am very bi, to the point that I might be turned completely without a lot of prodding...LOL! I want him to be
my partner and best friend, and who is willing to navigate horny women the ups
and downs of life,Committed to relationship, Reader, Visionary, Conservative, Passionate, Romantic, sexy and loving. I'm kind, athletic, calm, non- jealous, confident, courageous, and
loyal to those in Vidalia, Georgia closest to me.
Marital Status: Single
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5' 0"
Name: roddeyStoneback629
Age: 27
Vidalia, GA 30474
1 (912) 381-9995